
上海华成会展有限公司是一家致力于全球展览、展示设计、制作和施工搭建的整体方案解决商。为客户提 供建筑视划、光伏、电子、制造、消费等行业的一体化综合展示解决方案;随着业务的扩大,不仅承接展台设 计搭建,也逐渐将业务延伸展厅设计搭建、舞台设计搭建、博物馆设计、会议活动策划等业务领城。

Shanghai Huacheng Exhibition Co., Ltd. is a global exhibition, displaydesign, production and construction of the overall solution provider. Providing with integrated display solutions for architectural, photovoltaic, electronics, manufactural, consuming and other industries; As company developing, business extend to exhibition hall, stage design and construction, and conference event planning and execution etc.